Trauma informed yoga classes now available. Email to try a FREE session this summer
Trauma informed yoga classes now available. Email to try a FREE session this summer
Parenting in the Eye of the Hurricane is a trauma-informed psychoeducational parenting group for adoptive and foster parents raising trauma-impacted children. The group was developed by Dr. McLeod, Psychologist, in order to better support caregivers in managing challenging trauma-based behaviours and concerns. The group content is evidence-informed, and is largely based on the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework. Evaluations on previous groups indicate that the group is beneficial in helping parents and caregivers increase self-efficacy, improve their understanding of trauma-based concerns, and reduce parental stress associated with caring for trauma-impacted children and youth.
Parenting in the Eye of the Hurricane is offered as an eight-session, 16-hour course at numerous times throughout the year. It is also run occasionally as a weekend workshop. If you are interested in attending a course or workshop, please contact Rachel at, or fill out the contact form on this website.
We are currently organizing for a winter 2020 group. Dates are not currently available, but will be posted soon!
Given the positive responses to the PITEH program, Dr. McLeod now runs a three-day train the trainer program. This program is available to those professionals who work directly with foster or adoptive parents. If interested in learning more about this program, please contact